Afterschool Club

The new youth program at Share the Warmth!

Our program aims to offer stimulating and enriching extracurricular activities to local children, thus promoting their development and overall well-being.


Students in grades 1 to 6 of elementary school (not available this year for kindergarten students).


From September 3rd, 2024 to June 20th, 2025
Monday to Thursday, after school, until 5:30 p.m. and Friday until 5:00 p.m.


At Share the Warmth, 625 Fortune Street (entrance on Wellington Street).

The program facilitators provide a pedestrian shuttle from the school to the Share the Warmth premises.


A nutritious snack, homework, academic enrichment, theme clubs, and choices of recreational activities.

French-speaking program, activities adapted to all levels of French.

Completely FREE program.

To be eligible, the following criteria must be met:

  • Family income: Must be less than $55,000. This amount can be adjusted depending on the number of dependents in the family.
  • Academic challenges: The child must present academic challenges and have results below 70% in French and/or mathematics.
  • School: The child must attend one of the schools in the Pointe-St-Charles district.
  • Siblings: The brothers and sisters of a selected child are automatically eligible, regardless of their academic performance

Who has priority?

  • Pointe St-Charles families who already use our food bank
  • Families who speak a language other than French or English at home

Fill out form and bring documents

  1. Complete the online form (paper version available at Share the Warmth)
  2. Come to Share the Warmth with the following documents:
    • Identification document of parents or guardian (for example: passport, drivers license, health insurance card)
    • Child’s health insurance card
    • Proof of family income – 2023 notice of assessment (for each parent, guardian, if applicable)
    • A copy of the child’s last report card

Incomplete files will not be considered. Thank you for your understanding.

Places are limited. Responses will be communicated starting August 30th , 2024.

For more information

Main objectives and program’s history

In a constantly evolving world, our program is dedicated to addressing the diverse needs of the children in our community by providing them with opportunities for learning and personal development.

The main objectives of the program are:

  • Offer adapted and accessible programming to children experiencing learning difficulties
  • Provide nutritional support through access to healthy, nutritious food
  • Improve academic performance and prevent dropping out of school by supporting students in their academic progress
  • Promote a greater sense of self-esteem and social belonging among students
  • Support our member families by providing children with a healthy, safe, stimulating, and free extracurricular living environment

The little story

In 2010, Share the Warmth developed a homework help and tutoring program to combat the neighborhood’s high school dropout rate (one of the highest in the province). Over the years, our tutors have noticed an increase in learning difficulties among participating children.

In 2021, the tutoring program has specialized in direct response to community needs. After consulting school principals, educational experts, and teachers, the program was redesigned specifically for children living with learning difficulties. Recognizing that early intervention would produce the best results, the project was gradually implemented in the three elementary schools of Pointe-Saint-Charles and offered to all grade levels.

In 2024, our program has undergone a significant evolution, adopting a more comprehensive approach in response to the multidimensional needs of children. Beyond traditional academic learning, we have broadened our scope to encompass essential aspects such as socialization, emotional stability, and nutrition. This transformation aligns perfectly with our food security mission, now placing food at the heart of our educational approach. Our new program doesn’t just feed minds; it also nourishes bodies by providing nutritious snacks to young people, while making them aware of the importance of a balanced diet. This integrated approach aims to create an environment conducive to the full development of each child, giving them the tools necessary to grow, learn, and thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Afterschool programs are not a luxury. They are an essential part of children’s healthy development
(Afterschool: The time of a child’s life, Boys and Girls Club of Cananda, May 2018)